Monday, September 10, 2007

Serious ...oooh

What do I actually want to do in life. Let’s be simple. No hotch potch. Straight answers.
Do I want to join a software company and work from 9 to 7? No because:
I will be a slave to that company.
I will have to do work which they assign me, not what I want.
I will have no time for myself.
I will not be making any real contribution. At the end of the day do I want to produce software for organizations ? Is that it?
First, in deciding what I want to do, let me list out what I definitely want to do. From the general to the specific. That’s it.
Point 1 I want to be free. This means – I should be able to work when I want, in the way I want. This means that if I want to go on a cruise across the atlantic right now, I should not have to ask anyone’s permission.
No one else can actually channel my time into a place where my present isn’t wonderful.
So the first thing is freedom.

Conclusion1: I can either be self employed or a professor etc. Either I start something of my own or I work for an institution of my interest where I can pursue my interests and be free.
Remark 1: Find out the various possibilities for a self employed person.
Remark 2: Find out the lifestyle and degree of freedom of a Professor at MIT, Princeton, IIT etc.
Point 1: The work I do should be what I want to do and not just work. This means that if I love singing (say, just say!) I need not spend my time managing a company for a living.
Conclusion 1: I want to earn money by doing something I love doing. I cannot do something just for money’s sake.
Remark 1: List out all the things I love doing.
Point 3: I should be making a contribution to the Universe. Making soap or software can never be satisfying enough. If I contribute in the best possible way I can, what more could I ask for?

Conclusion 1: Whatever I do cannot be for my material satisfaction alone. Conversely I will not pursue any career in which I do not grow and make others grow with me.

Remark 1: Can a man really do something for the Universe? What can I do? Find out.

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