Saturday, February 2, 2008

Morning ramblings...

Well, I've just had a most wonderful morning that has left me enthusiastic and raring to have a go at the day.. : ) This could be partly because i got up at 5 AM today... All credit for this goes of course to Abhishek Mandi -- he was actually awake the whole night - so that he could wake me up ...... Thanks Mandi ; )
OK... for anyone interested in getting up at 5 AM.. here are some key points I would put forth:(Mostly not my points... but by a stroke of chance there might be an original one or two ; ))
1. Have a purpose - Decide in advance what you would like to do when you get up.

2. Do something you really love to do immediately after getting up.

3. At any cost, don't convince yourself that you'll get up after some time - you won't - I mean this moment is just the same as the moment when your alarm will ring again, isn't it??

4. Do not stay awake long (obvious but can make a big difference)

5. Commit to a 30 day trial... All day make sure, you tell yourself or remind yourself 2-4 times: "I get up at 5 AM"

6. Write an article about why no force on earth can simply have no chance of making you sleep past 5 AM.

7. Read an article about getting up early everyday for 30 days.

8. Immediately after getting up - remember that whatever you think will attract like thoughts - so think only about jumping, getting up , doing what you love etc... Make sure the thought of sleeping back does not once enter your mind, because if it does, it will attract similar thoughts and you will most likely drift back.

9. Reward yourself if you get up early. For example, this could mean watch an episode of Friends or buying tickets for __ next month...

10. As soon as you get up try saying this to yourself - TELUGU - "Oka saari commit ayipote naa mata nene vinanu" - English - (Once I have made a commitment, even I cannot stop myself from keeping it)

Have a great day ; )


Prateek Wanna be Eloquent!!!!! said...

hey meghu... seems u r a bit too excited to get up at 5...most of the tym u get at 5 u write an article about how to get up early at five.u can srart a new blog wkae up at 5 keep writing its gonna take me a while to read all ur new blogs.

Meghashyam Chirravoori said...

Ya sort of.... but your comments keep me right on track..... 5 was a nice suggetion ; )

Meghashyam Chirravoori said...

Ya sort of.... but your comments keep me right on track..... 5 was a nice suggetion ; )

weeping horse said...

was good read meghu...power of self-convincing sprinkeled with humour :)