Friday, February 1, 2008

What exactly is the "NOW".....

Only the present exists. We are always drifting in the present. The past and the future are illusions, complete illusions.
My cousin Teja says, “The present is an ungraspable moment of….” Yeah, but why? We are always in the now. Which moment existed when we were not in the now? When I eat dinner, I am. I just am and I am eating dinner.
We cannot live in the future and the past. Try it. Can you live in yesterday? The table in front of you, these trees, this laptop, they exist now. We can control only one thing – the present.

Then what did, “the present is….” mean?

There is something called thought. This thought or ego or whatever is not I. Is not you. It does not dwell in the now.

We keep thinking of the past and the future. Observe your thoughts for one day and you will see that most of it is spent in thinking about the past and the future. Comparison of the present with the past and the future destroys its beauty. We are always lost in thinking. And the more we think, the more we delve into the past and the future. And the more we delve, the more the present becomes an ungraspable…..whatever.
I say, we have it right here and right now – the power to enjoy the present.

Look at the laptop keys, look at the bottle. Freedom from over thinking can fill our life with happiness because it is right here right now!

We cannot control the past. It is over. Over means over. He insulted me. Gosh! Yes, that’s true. She rejected me. Wow! Am I denying it? The point is this: Only now exists and in the now there is no pain – never.

We may think of future events as being dangerous or fear-inducing or preposterous and in most cases that is what will come to pass. I f we keep thinking about something for a long time, it happens – I swear by it. But if we concentrate on the now, even a terribly difficult and fear inducing moment will seem wholesome. Because fear can exist in the past or the future – in the now, only beauty exists.

When we keep thinking about the past and the future – our past becomes our future.
Where is the newness of life then?
Every moment is new. Today I will have hundreds of moments I have never experienced before. And that’s wonderful. And I’ll miss them all if I am lost in thinking about what will happen and what was.

No – now does not mean no goals – no plans – no learning from the past. It means letting go of the past and creating the future. Visualizing something wonderful in the now, as if it is happening now can actually create a future.

Now you may say I am contradicting myself and maybe I am or maybe I am not explaining well enough but I have no explanations. Sort of not clear myself I guess…J

I think I’ve written a lot. Maybe it makes sense. Maybe it is above sense (or below it J). But right here right now, life rocks and so does Meghu!

Cya J


Prateek... said...
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Prateek... said...

Awesome post meghu ! I was just browsing through you blog and I found this article.. very well thought and written..and I don't think that you were contradicting or something. At least I got the point. Thanks !