Thursday, April 19, 2007


Action is the greatest motivator. Ideas are crap if you don’t act. List out your goals. Prioritize them, but its all a waste if no action ensues. Action stirs you on, relieves inertia and enthuses the spirit.

Lethargy and the fear of failure, inertia stop us. Lethargy is a useless thing. One jerk is enough to overcome it. So jerk yourself up and overcome lethargy. Inertia does not make sense. Why should you care two hoots about what is happening, if you believe in the beauty of your dreams? The law of inertia – if I am doing this – then I must keep doing this is baseless. Rational thinking and inertia don’t juxtapose on each other.
Fear of failure – shed it right here and right now. Fear of failure stems from the fact that we may be more worried and in a bigger dilemma than we are now if we take action. But failing a hundred times is better than not trying even if you are in a better position by not trying. It is the education of the spirit that matters. Fail, fail, fail – don’t believe in what they keep saying. Failure is the best indication of the fact that you are taking decisive action.

So, arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.
[ Swami Vivekananda]