Sunday, January 20, 2008


Hi Mr Blog! Do you have a name as yet? Doesn't matter.

I'm thinking of starting a 30 day trial to do these 3-4 things:
1. Get up at 5 am.
2. Run (how much = depends, its actually jog not run)
3. Take a bath(shower in fact) some time after the run.
4. Work on my website for 2 hrs.

The task may seem daunting, but today was DAY 1.

I got up at 6 AM - then slept back until Joey woke me up at 6:40.

Jogged with him, watched as he exercised and seems like I am cooling down now typing up all this.

Wow! A really good start to the day. The mind is slightly free, I guess in the morning. It felt great not to immediately rush to class after getting up. Maybe waking early gives you a lot of free, freshening up time......

cool : )

1 comment:

Frozen Dews of Time said...

well, maybe u need to wake up at 6 instead of 5.......and den again dat itself becomes quite an uphill task ...considering the temperature at present is neering 0!!!!